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Tour des Dents Blanches 2023
By Nick Shrayer / 07/07/2023О маршруте Tour des Dentes Blanches - пеший маршрут в Альпах, длиной около 45км, с общим набором высоты около 4500м....Read MoreTags: 2023, summer2023Nahal Nesher // 29/04/2024
By Ron Shrayer / 29/04/2024On this Monday, on the Seventh of Passover, we went to Nahal Nesher, to take in a little breath of...Read MoreTags: 2024GanGoroo and Nahal HaKibutzim – 23/03/2024
By Ron Shrayer / 30/03/2024On this Saturday, we went to a zoo near Beit She'an, which had kangooros in it, having a generally Australian...Read MoreГлоток воздуха в пустыне, 21 марта 2024
By Nick Shrayer / 30/03/2024Конец марта... Традиционный поход в пустыню в этом году так и не состоялся. В силу разных причин - война, занятость...Read MoreNahal Tzalmon and Beit Jan – 9/3/2024
By Ron Shrayer / 11/03/2024On this very Saturday, we decided to get out of the house, after a long time we didn't get out.We...Read MoreVienna and Lower Austria – September 2023
By Ron Shrayer / 02/10/2023This trip was quite unusual. Unlike most trips, this was quite a spontaneous trip - booked in August. But that...Read MoreTags: 2023Romania 2023
By Ron Shrayer / 01/09/2023During the summer, we've went on two vacations - The trek to Switzerland, and this family trip to Romania.In this...Read MoreTags: 2023, summer2023Tour des Dents Blanches 2023
By Nick Shrayer / 07/07/2023О маршруте Tour des Dentes Blanches - пеший маршрут в Альпах, длиной около 45км, с общим набором высоты около 4500м....Read MoreTags: 2023, summer2023Nahal Nesher // 29/04/2024
By Ron Shrayer / 29/04/2024On this Monday, on the Seventh of Passover, we went to Nahal Nesher, to take in a little breath of...Read MoreTags: 2024{"slides_column":1,"slides_scroll":1,"dots":"true","arrows":"true","autoplay":"true","autoplay_interval":2000,"speed":300,"lazyload":""}
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We’re Alpinick: A family blog website that are interested in sharing their travel experiences both abroad and in Israel to the interested web community that would read our blog posts.